Big Picture Education TED Talks

Changing Education Paradigms

I have told you before about how much I love TED talks.  One of my favorite TED talks is from Sir Ken Robinson.  He talks about how schools kill creativity. (I added the video below.)  I came across a video that features Sir Ken again doing a talk for RSA.  The RSA is “an enlightenment organisation committed to finding innovative practical solutions to today’s social challenges.”  One angle on that is the RSA Animate that is shown with Sir Ken’s talk. Very TED-like, so I can get on board with that.

This the third or fourth post that I have done relating to education reform or the way that our children learn.  I remember hearing that all revolutions start in the back room of an ale house.  Well, maybe blog posts are the modern day pint of ale.

It’s a little over 11 minutes long, but well worth the time invested.

Here is the creativity talk from Sir Ken Robinson:


Autism TED Talks

TED Talk on Learning disorders

I have ran into several people this past week and I seem to be talking a lot about TED Talks.  I have posted several to my website over the past few years.  I would encourage everyone to carve out a half-day, get a big cup of coffee and explore There are so many amazing topics that a half-day will not be nearly enough, but it should get you started.

Here is another one that I found fascinating.  I hope you enjoy.

Danville Economy TED Talks

Kill apathy

When I was on the city council I was amazed that when I would share stats that people did not know about them already.  I can’t tell you how many times during my election that I was asked who else is running.  I chalked it up to apathy.  People just don’t care or are too lazy to take the time to get involved.  After watching this TED Talk about apathy, I have a whole new perspective.

As you know, I love me some TED Talks and I usually only share the ones that hit home for me. I have sent this to the mayor and city council of Danville.  This video is only about 7 minutes long, but is very visually based.  If we want to make Danville a better place, we need to share great ideas like this video.  For more TED Talks, visit their website at

Big Picture Cool Quote Politics TED Talks Web Stuff

Two Great TED Talks to Share


I stumbled onto TED about 4 years ago. For those of you that don’t know, TED stands for Technology, Entertainment & Design. To quote from them: “It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from those three worlds. Since then its scope has become ever broader.” The premise of TED is to give speakers 20 minutes to share their ideas, talents or findings with the world. I have watched hours of TED videos in the past 4 years.

The other day I watched a talk by Barry Schwartz on the Loss of our Wisdom. It’s a great talk and speaks volumes about the state of our society. It’s well worth the 20 minutes.

Just tonight while flipping through TED talks on Tivo, I watched a great one by Larry Lessig: How creativity is being strangled by the law. As someone trying to put creative content out there, I think that it’s especially interesting. (He even references John Philip Sousa, so that makes it cool on it’s own right.)

Bonus video:
One of my favorite all time TED talks is: Hans Rosling: Debunking third-world myths with the best stats you’ve ever seen