Cool Quote Writing

Rod Serling on Ideas

I have always loved the Twilight Zone.  Rod Serling is a television writing icon.  This morning, I read this article from Brain Pickings.  I love new ideas.  Be it in television, books, marketing campaigns, whatever.  I like the fact that he says it all in 1:05.  Great inspiration for the day.

“Ideas come from the Earth. They come from every human experience that you’ve either witnessed or have heard about, translated into your brain in your own sense of dialogue, in your own language form. Ideas are born from what is smelled, heard, seen, experienced, felt, emotionalized. Ideas are probably in the air, like little tiny items of ozone. That’s the easiest thing on earth, to come up with an idea.  The second thing is, the harding thing on earth is to put it down.”

Media Writing

Ken Burns on Storytelling

When I was in college, the Ken Burns baseball series was on PBS.  My best friend’s mom recorded every episode for us on VHS.  Being the big baseball fan that I am, I have watched it several times.

I love a good story.  Stories are what bring us closer.  We share in ups and downs and can be moved, shocked or disgusted at the ending.  There are bad stories and great stories.  In this short video, Ken Burns talks about the art of telling stories.  Enjoy.
Big Picture Cool Quote life

I could not have said it any better.

Big Picture Education TED Talks

Changing Education Paradigms

I have told you before about how much I love TED talks.  One of my favorite TED talks is from Sir Ken Robinson.  He talks about how schools kill creativity. (I added the video below.)  I came across a video that features Sir Ken again doing a talk for RSA.  The RSA is “an enlightenment organisation committed to finding innovative practical solutions to today’s social challenges.”  One angle on that is the RSA Animate that is shown with Sir Ken’s talk. Very TED-like, so I can get on board with that.

This the third or fourth post that I have done relating to education reform or the way that our children learn.  I remember hearing that all revolutions start in the back room of an ale house.  Well, maybe blog posts are the modern day pint of ale.

It’s a little over 11 minutes long, but well worth the time invested.

Here is the creativity talk from Sir Ken Robinson:


Education life Technology Web Stuff

Ted talk on Education

I found this video last week and was blown away.  The Kahn Academy is promoting a brand new way to teach.  Watch the Ted Video first, then check out the organizations website: Enjoy!!